Friday, October 14, 2011

foto friday - mud babies

As a parent - you want your kids to be happy.  And I want nothing more than to have two happy and healthy dogs (our kids).  But sometimes their happiness makes me stressed.  I have always heard Moms say that when their kids are being super quiet no good is happening, well trust me when I say that statement is 100% true when it comes to dog children too. 

Last night - Kyle and I were trying to watch a movie and the dogs wanted to go outside.  That's fine - let them be dogs. Let them do whatever  dogs do outside.  And the whole time it was just quiet.  They normally bark at the neighbors house asking for the other dogs to go outside or they bark to just bark.  But nothing for like 20 minutes.  So I decided to go outside and do a "roll call" (Kenn's is an escaper so we have to check on her whereabouts) and found these two mud puppies who of course decided they wanted to come inside and then wrestle and fling mud and run upstairs and Mulligan wanted to hop on the couch.

Mulligan is a much more active digger so he got covered WAY more than Kennesaw did.  But still two muddy dogs = no fun for Momma.  Especially when they carry the mud upstairs and pretty much all over the house. 

And of course - Kyle thought it was OH SO CUTE!  However, he was not the one who had to get in the shower with Mulligan and bathe him and then get in the shower with Kennesaw and bathe her.  (By the way: Kennesaw, she got a bath Sunday night)  Kyle did however have to hold the shower door shut so no dogs would escape.  And yes - it is MUCH easier to shower with the dog than put the dog in the bath tub (in Mulligan's case)

Dogs will be dogs right?!  Gotta love them.

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