Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Out of town running.

No. No I am not traveling *currently* but I am possibly heading to Austin in a few weeks for work which as dorky as this sounds excites me.  My company is also in the process of switching applicant tracking systems/databases so when we do switch they will be sending people out to train the branches on the new software.  I was told today that I am part of the “team” that will go out and train on the new program.  There are a few of us that will be “experts” and will be in the field for awhile.  One girl was told to finish her Christmas shopping because come August she was going to be on the road a lot.  …..and there is a good chance that will be me too.

Locations I could land for that – Austin. South Carolina. North Carolina. Florida. Birmingham. Seattle. St. Louis. Pennsylvania. Phoenix. Michigan.  The possibilities are endless.

Truthfully, I am excited about seeing other cities and running in other cities.  Any suggestions on how to travel and train?!


  1. You definitely won't have a problem training in Austin, there's so many great places to run here! There's a great trail downtown. I'd consult Twitter for friends living in the cities you're going to for tips. Let me know if you need any advice when you're here or if you want to meet up for a run!

  2. so fun! just pack your stuff :) when I was traveling for work last year most of the staff at the hotels knew of a few routes or parks to head to which was helpful. and obviously twitter doesn’t hurt!
