Wednesday, September 21, 2011

And. Kennesaw is a Terrier. (or a terror)

Cue Scene:  Bright and early. 5:30 AM. Outside, trying to make Kennesaw go potty.  Kennesaw spots something under our grill.

She spotted a rat or a baby possum.  Something with a long thick tail.  (and I just got the chills thinking about this...) ....And Kennesaw, yeah she was not getting off that deck until she had that rodent.  Me.  I am in a fog (thank God) and have no idea what was going on (or I would have screamed and woken up the whole neighborhood).

This rodent thing dashes for freedom in the back yard but sadly for him/her Kennesaw was faster.  I am unsure if it was a bite to the body or a step on with that big paw but that rodent did not see daylight today.  And Kennesaw, yeah she had a new toy.  Me, I had no idea what to do.

So what do I do?  Start wispering "Kennesaw, Drop It"  (by the way, Kennesaw does not yet know that command) and then I whisper "Kennesaw just go potty" (another command she does not know or understand) and then I get the broom.  Yeah.  The broom.  To do what, no idea?  But it seemed like a REAL good idea.

Me?  I am terrified of rodents and bugs so there I am in the backyard with a broom standing there half asleep.  So what do I do next?  I call Kyle and just tell him that I need help.  Don't elaborate, just I need help.

There is a reason I am marrying Kyle.  He is fearless when it comes to gross things.  He saved Mulligan and me from a lizard once.  He has killed more bugs than I can count on 2 hands.  And now, he made Kennesaw drop the rodent thing.  He brought the trashcan outside, with the dustpan, and took my handy dandy broom (I knew it would come in useful) and swept up that rat possum thing and dumped it in the trash. And of course, then put the trash in our big trashcan.

Kennesaw thought this was a super fun morning and did not want to go to sleep but wanted to give me puppy kisses.  I have never pushed a dog away from my face SO fast as I did this morning (numerous times).  Girl needs a toothbrush and a bath before I let her lick me!

Oh... Kennesaw.  The life of having a puppy. =D

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