Thursday, November 4, 2010

three things thursday.

1. winter is coming in the south and i am unhappy about it. i am not a fan of cold weather. but it does mean that i get to pull out my scarves and my chunky sweaters and burberry earmuffs and boots. And i get to make lots of soups {clam chowder is on the menu tomorrow night}. but my dog is immune to the cold and still wants to go outside all the time.  thank goodness i love hooded sweatshirts and have about 10 of them so it makes it easy to go outside, but still.... Atlanta now only has two seasons: winter & summer. bummer.  i am making him wear the winter coat that he hates ....  i am a horrible mother.
2. i work in staffing. i am a recruiter. i find people jobs. it keeps me on my toes. i often wonder if i am on a hidden camera show. every day is different and i do really like it. but people never cease to amaze me. in the last 24 hrs i left a candidate 4 messages and emailed them 3 times in regards to setting up an interview with my client. when i FINALLY got him/her on the phone their answer was "oh sorry, i was at the unemployment office applying for jobs" ... hold on, back up, let me talk to your unemployment counselor and let them know that you've been DODGING MY PHONE CALLS and i am trying to get you gainfully employed.  I know there are plenty of unemployed people out there who are desperately trying to find a job, but I swear there are people out there that work harder to get unemployment than they do to find a job.
3. Over margaritas, cheese dip, guacamole, salsa, and tacos I gained a maid of honor last night.  I know her as Erin, you know her as From Fat 2 Fab.  Kyle still thinks she should be a "groomsman", but I told him that the early bird gets the worm and I snagged her first.  She is probably one of the realest people I have EVER met and she is a great friend to have.  I need to send a thank you note to the hamilton for introducing us at one of her infamous pool parties and then having us work together. thanks ham, thanks.


  1. This three things or yours are great...well done...great post.

  2. Stop making my alternate between crying and blushing! This is a high pressure situation!
