Monday, January 25, 2010

My apologies - not gonna happen.

I have had a rough Monday. Evidently my post on Cross Training has sparked quite a controversy on Twitter & Dailymile. Please know that I did not mean to gripe or bitch or complain. I was stating the fact that I have never embraced Cross Training - I would rather be lazy and watch trashy reality TV than hit the elliptical ... it was like my AA meeting, admitting the truth to learn to cope with it. I wanted to research Cross Training so I could understand it more and learn the benefits and learn what is and is not more beneficial. It was more me gaining and understanding and sharing it with the running community that follows me, especially since a lot of newbies do and we're in the same boat.

I am sorry if my blog posts are not always 100% sunshine & roses, great miles put in today cheerleader like. I am sorry if I have a bad 5k I admit that I had a bad 5k. I like brutal honesty. Writing is my medium to get things off my chest. Especially since I have a boyfriend who would rather play video games than hit the pavement with me and does not understand why in the world I would want to run 5+ miles in one run. Up until this morning I thought I had a lot of supportive running people following me on Dailymile & Twitter. ...which, I know for a fact I do. But there are obviously some out there that I annoy.

Evidently I am a "negative" person and "complain too much" about bad runs and not being in the mood to run. You know what, if I do in fact annoy you ... I challenge you to unfollow me on Twitter & Dailymile. I challenge you to stop following this blog. You know I created this blog to document my training for my first half marathon with Team in Training and it evolved to my quest to learn to love running. You have to understand that I am a lazy bone who happens to like running. You have to understand that my job required 8+ hours A DAY of my time and most weekends, so if I don't feel like running because I am exhausted... I don't feel like running. If I have a bad run, I want to vent, I want on outlet of supportive runners who understand where I am coming from and where I am at that moment in time. I like to think that I tell people they have awesome runs and great races, that they're rockstars, that I envy their pace, and that they too will have off days but there will be great days to come. I don't want the people following me who tell me I am pessimistic and hate something and am constantly negative. Up until last week I hadn't had a bad run in WEEKS, I hadn't felt so discouraged in a while. I was coming off an awesome Monday run and a great spin class. I was amped up about ING in March. Knowing that I had 13.1 miles to run and it hurt to do 3 was discouraging. Sorry I wanted to vent - to the 13 or so people who told me an off day is normal and happens to the best of us and that the next run will be so much better thank you. you rock. i love you and your positive encouragement. But to everyone who sent me DM's or Private Messages after my cross training blog -- leave and don't track my training or follow me on twitter, I am not making you have an interest in my running life (the good and the bad). This is my account on my life and my want to learn to live, breathe, and love running.

I follow a blogger named Denise who got rude comments about how she BQ'd (Boston Qualified) and said "BQ" too many times in a blog post. Like her, I want to rise about it all and put it behind me.

So, I am sorry for the rant. That is all I will apologize for, I will not apologize for having a bad running day or disliking cross training because I don't understand the point of it. I will not apologize for wanting to learn as much as I can about running and wanting to learn about the advantages of cross training. And please if you want to try and tear me down and want to tell me I am negative, keep your opinions to yourself. I am self conscious enough and I don't need you tearing me down.


  1. Wow, I can't believe people would say that stuff to you. We are all allowed to have bad days and complain about it, especially on our own blogs. You're not a negative person, you just had a bad day. Good for you, I wouldn't apologize either, you didn't do anything wrong. One of my favorite things about the running community is that we support each other no matter what our skill level or commitment level is, we support each other because we all share a love for running. I'm disappointed that there are people out there that could be so mean-spirited when someone has clearly just had a bad run. I appreciate the information you shared in your post because I also have problems including cross training, you helped me out and for that I'm thankful. Keep on being you and remember to "shake them haters off."

  2. Geez! I had to go see who commented on your post, lol. I'm not sure if they were just joking or what...sometimes it's hard to understand the context surrounding peoples comments, so how we read it might not be how they meant it to sound. But, if you got private messages about it, that's a little much! I know that I have had a real struggle this winter with enjoying my runs, but everybody has been really supportive. Being a runner is about having good days and bad days, hot streaks and cold streaks, months of 120+ mile months and barely 30 mile months. The point of an online community is having support no matter where you are in your training. Negative comments should be kept to yourself. If you don't like what a person has to say, then don't go to their blog page! You have the right to vent about your training, and honestly I like knowing I'm not the only one who has bad days. Keep the "negative" posts coming, haha, I enjoy them!

  3. Barbara ANN! You know I love you and admire you just for getting out there and running. You are WAYYY more committed than I am with plans to sign up for races. I adore your blog and will continue to follow you on twitter, facebook, blogger, and dailymile. Though I can guarantee some negative commentary just for giggles ;) Keep your chin up- YOU. ARE. A. ROCKSTAR.

  4. Good for you. Bad days do happen and you know what? This is YOUR forum to say what YOU feel like saying! I still don't know about running with crazy Buckhead drivers, but I'll run Kennesaw with you anytime - good, bad, or ugly day.
