Thursday, December 6, 2012

bad dog mom!

I totally forgot to post that it was Mulligan’s 4th birthday this week!! And even worse – we did nothing for him. We knew Kennesaw would steal whatever toy we got him. Seriously. Bad Dog Parents.

But... I feel like it was just yesterday that I was telling Kyle “no” and then seeing the cute puppies and quickly saying “yes” and it has been nothing but adventures since! Chewed up walls, trips to the dog park, visits to Santa, trips to the vet over eating rocks, tormenting him and making him wear his fleece coat, him digging in his water bowl, and I could go on forever.001Mulligan was SO small when we 1st saw him and decided we wanted him.  It is funny because of all the pups he was the adventurous one. The one who escaped from the puppy room to say hello. And now, he is scared of pretty much everything. Maybe we shelter him too much!

Happy 4th year of life Mulligan Lackashore Shanahan!  Here’s to many more years of being the spoiled human animal that you are!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday Mulligan! You have fabulous parents! :-)
