Sunday, February 17, 2013

This will be positive. I promise.

Last week could have been the longest week ever.  I spent 3 days in Birmingham – one of those days I worked from 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM – and then had a million and one things going on at the house.  On a positive note: our recruiter started and the girl I identified for the management role accepted the position, so there is now a total sigh of relief that the site team has been identified and is coming together.  All in all, I am LOVING what I am doing and hope to do more in the future.

I had dinner on Tuesday night with my friends Ashley and Lindsay from college.  Honestly, I had not laughed that hard and that long in a LONG time.  I love catching up with good friends and walking down memory lane.  It makes me miss having such good friends in my life.

The house is still coming together.  I need Kyle J to hang the curtains in the family room so I can share a picture with you all.  But, for now you get to see our kitchen eating area.


Look Dad: our kitchen table!! I need/want a new better centerpiece, but for now it is just nice that it has been cleared off!!! =D  Then, there is the buffet that was the hardest thing in the world to find since the wall it is against is so teeny tiny. But, I think it is an excellent addition and I love the picture above it and how simple it is.

I am LOVING the Yoga classes I am taking and have my last class next week.  Then, I get to dive into actual classes.  I like the hour that it is taking me out of the house and the chaos of preparing for the week.  Plus I love how it is stretching out my super tight muscles.

This week, I am in Birmingham again for 2 days and then just have A LOT of catching up to do at the office.  Plus, hopefully I can figure out how to organize our rinky dink pantry and get the curtains hung.  And... I need to go shopping for Kyle’s birthday so I don't forget it again this year.

i hope you all have a great week. =D


  1. LOVING how the house is coming along! Once things settle down with work (maybe?) let's make meeting a reality, k?! Sounds good. Yoga maybe? Let's chat soon :)

  2. I can't wait to see more of the house! And so glad you are loving Yoga!
