Saturday, February 7, 2015

I know, I disappear.

Hi. Long time no chat. In all seriousness, I am never on this laptop {obviously since I am never updating this blog} that every time I try to make an update I have to restart my computer.  You would think after not posting pretty much anything for a month I would have A LOT to say; however, life this year has been boring and not too much has happened.

Monday – Friday is the normal working.  Kyle takes M to daycare, we go to work, Kyle picks M up from day care, we feed M, feed ourselves, bathe M, feed her again, put her to bed and then we crash. Rinse and Repeat. I did just get back from my first overnight away from home work trip and it was so insanely sad leaving the little princess. I may have been teary dropping her off at daycare before I left, but let me tell you I have never ever ever been so excited to pick that munchkin up from daycare before. Sadly, she stared at me with this “who are you” look on her face. #tragic

Oh and shout out to my husband who rocked it as a single dad for those 2 days. Despite almost serving McKenna peas that were way too hot and waking up one morning at 6:20 AM when he had to feed the baby, get her ready, and get himself ready … they survived which is all that matters.

The weekends seem to be a total whirlwind in all honesty. I have started going to 9:00 AM Pure Barre on Saturdays to just jump start the weekend and to have a little me time before the chaos starts. Between all the errands and nap times and feeding and house chores, I feel like Monday morning just comes way too soon.

I have started making all of M’s baby food which is time consuming, but it is actually very easy and theoretically should save us a lot of money over time.  And I am having a fun time making her different combinations {that I stole from packaged food in the baby aisle}. So far the only combo she has tried has been carrot, apple, mango mash {and it actually is really good} … she still has peas and pears to try along with spinach & apple and then apple & sweet potato. We are giving banacado {banana and avocado} a try tomorrow morning so fingers are crossed.  Kyle hates how I destroy the kitchen and go through about 48105 dishes. And every time I am done I think to myself, “I really need granite countertops” since I have to scrub out the black lines that the baby bullet leaves on the countertops.

M turns 7 months on Friday so you should expect to see the monthly update on her and next weekend and I think I may have a lot of fun things to say in that post. That. Girl. Is. So. Fun.

BUT. Now it is bathtime. So I have to run. Hopefully I will have some fun post in the future about something fun we do as a family or a couple. Until then….

1 comment:

  1. Real life is just insane to keep up with - can't imagine how you do it with a little one! Loved the update!
