I feel like I am pretty much almost caught up on catching you all up on my life. a few weeks back one of my friends from college got married in Birmingham – and when I say this was one of the most fun weddings I have ever been to – I mean it. I don’t know if it was the fact that it was (1) a beautiful wedding + reception (2) a reunion from my time in Tuscaloosa (3) the band (4) the amazing food – hello fried green tomatoes with pulled pork on top and mashed potato bar. or if it was everything wrapped up in one {which I think is the real answer} …. so much fun.
Lindsay literally was so pretty – and so happy – she was radiating, that is the only way to describe it. The wedding 100% screamed her personality. The party was too fun. And the exit to all of us shaking our super sparkly Alabama shakers was a perfect ending.
I spent a lot of the night catching up with girlfriends from college and a lot of the night dancing with my old roommate Ashley Jo. And her mom was there and her 2 little sisters which made my night catching up with her mom and wondering how the sisters are now college grads or in college.
We danced to Miley Cyrus “Party in the USA” and “Jesse’s Girl” and “Sweet Home Alabama”. We laughed and I met boyfriends and husbands. And seriously had too much fun. Of course – we all thought we were in college again and talked about going out after the wedding for the “after party” and yeah. that didn’t happen. after party at the Hampton Inn, in bed by 10:45 PM. What what! Party Animals!
Kyle won husband of the year and he just followed us crazy girls around and then drove me back to Atlanta the next morning in one piece. but it was just a really really good time – with most of my best girl friends in Birmingham, I do not get a night with the girls very often. so it was great to just relive those college days, let loose and have a good time. it is simply crazy how you get caught up in life and things like weddings bring you back together.
Congrats to Lindsay and Dom!! Enjoy countless years of happiness and laughter and good times. I hope you love the food chopper thing and the pink yellow hammer cups. ROLL TIDE! =D
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