true statement: i have a commute that really is not fun on my way home but there is something that i love about my 45 minute, 5 mile commute. watching the runners.
they run alone. with friends. in groups. but they just run. in the rain. in the heat. in the freezing cold.
i sometimes wonder why the runners run in the dark in all black with no reflectors. i sometimes wonder how they can run the same route day in and day out and never take a day off. …but i like how people just run.
there are a lot of things that i like about Atlanta and there are things i don't like about Atlanta. but what i do like is that it seems like there are runners EVERYWHERE and when i cannot run or don’t want to run, i am always in awe of the dedicated ones.
So to those dedicated ones – you’re really an inspiration to so many… if only it would inspire me to try and find more time to fit a run into my oh so busy life.