Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 Goals Created.

as well all know from my previous post i did not do so well on my 2010 goals. but no fear - I am not going to be too hard on myself for I will be the first one to stand up and say I (a) let work rule my life (b) chose to be a runner who slept in on weekends and (c) was a slacker.

for 2011 i wanted to set both goals for my running and personal life. and with that statement - here are my goals for the year ahead of me.


goal one. find a work.life.relationship balance with the world of working out and running. 2010 was all about getting the job done and sacrificing runs. 2011 will be about getting the job done but also getting my work out in. how this will happen... tbd.
goal two. blast900. it is pricey but i want to do it at the minimum 2 times per month. it is a killer work out and can do/will do a lot for my stamina and running.
goal three. focus on the little races and increasing speed and stamina. I would like to run a sub30 5k this year and run a 10k in under a hour and a 2 hour half marathon.
goal four. vary the workouts. if that means rejoining a gym, that means rejoining a gym to get in swimming and spin. or just finding the local rec center and seeing what they have to offer.
goal five. run more than 500 miles in 1 year.
goal six. find a running buddy or group to hold me accountable
goal seven. train for big races. fully train. stick to the training schedule.
goal eight. not run a marathon. (you're probably saying WHAT?) but i would like to focus more on finding and making a routine and a balance between life, work, and running so when i do decide to do another one I am 100% committed to all the runs and workouts.


goal one. floss more. wear my crest white strips more often. i have a wedding that i need REALLY pretty teeth for.
goal two. read more. i'd like to read at least 1 book per month. 12 books per year.
goal three. save more. spend less. 110% stick to my monthly budgets.
goal four. find a house to rent here in atlanta to give my crazy dog a backyard to run in.
goal five. volunteer with an organization. no idea yet. if you have ideas, please send them my way.
goal six. one diet coke per day. all year long. cut back on the sweets. eat healthier.
goal seven. take kyle to an alabama football game. in bryant denny.
goal eight. take 1 bubble bath per week. 4 spa days per year. learn to decompress.

....i hope everyone has a safe and happy 2011!


  1. great goals! i would love to do blast with you. maybe next week (or sometime before january is over)? and, you can always still run with TNT. wednesdays and saturdays if that will help with the accountability.
    I am a member at adrenaline fitness but I am thinking about switching to a gym with a pool..let me know if you find one (NOT LA fitness).

  2. Too bad Toronto and Atlanta aren't closer cuz I'd be a great running buddy -- we have exactly the same goals!

  3. (Jumping up and waving arms wildly)I'm right here Barbie! Long run weekends! Boom.
