Thursday, January 27, 2011

my commute and runners.

true statement: i have a commute that really is not fun on my way home but there is something that i love about my 45 minute, 5 mile commute. watching the runners.

they run alone. with friends. in groups. but they just run. in the rain. in the heat. in the freezing cold.

i sometimes wonder why the runners run in the dark in all black with no reflectors. i sometimes wonder how they can run the same route day in and day out and never take a day off.  …but i like how people just run.

there are a lot of things that i like about Atlanta and there are things i don't like about Atlanta. but what i do like is that it seems like there are runners EVERYWHERE and when i cannot run or don’t want to run, i am always in awe of the dedicated ones.

So to those dedicated ones – you’re really an inspiration to so many… if only it would inspire me to try and find more time to fit a run into my oh so busy life.


  1. i too like to watch the runners in my neighborhood. whenever i see everyone out and about, i get jealous and have to go for a run. :)

    and holy wow... 45 min. for 5 miles?

  2. i wish i had your attitude! i'm always envious of the people who apparently don't have to be anywhere cause they are out running at 8:30am.

    and sometimes i feel like a creepy stalker cause i have a handful i always look for and recognize and can always count on to be out there running in the morning. my "friends" lol

  3. I'm the same way - I wonder why they are out at that time...or where they got what they are wearing...Usually it is I wish I looked like them and how can they run so fast...

  4. Oh how I wish I lived 5 miles away from work! I think I'd become one of those runners...if I could!

  5. clothing companies need to make a completely reflective running jacket... maybe they already do?

  6. You are totally telling the truth! I love how runner friendly Atlanta is too! And, I get something out of watching all of them!
