oh happy day! it is friday! =D tomorrow we (and by we, I mean Alabama’s football team) get to play florida. in the swamp. not going to lie. I am a little bit worried – but I have faith in my boys. So Roll Tide.
Anyway. Sunday is my 1st half marathon of the year. Correction: would have been, but I have decided to not run the race for many reasons. The biggest – I am just not ready and even though I am never really ready I can normally finish it out and be okay. I know I could “tough it out” … but I just don’t want to. I don’t think it is worth it.
So instead. Tomorrow I am going to get up, head to Lucky Schoals park and run the 1.13 mile running path and I am going to run as many loops as I can until I just HAVE to stop. I am going to run my own little mini in my mind race. And I have to get up early and do it because there is going to be A LOT of prep for this 8:00 football game.
And… I have my fingers crossed that the weather will start cooling down again and THEN I will start running my favorite parts of the Atlanta 13.1 course because it really is a great race.
In sadder and non running related news: Over the past few years I have begun to realize that life REALLY is so so so short. A guy I went to high school with died I a house fire this week and if has been bittersweet to read all the messages about him on Facebook. He will definitely be missed. ….You shouldn’t' hesitate to tell your family or friends that you love them.