Wednesday, August 13, 2014

McKenna is 1 month old!

I cannot believe how the time has flown – McKenna is officially 1 month old – and getting bigger by the day.  She loves stroller rides through the neighborhood & on the greenway.  She loves making us walk her in circles around the house so she can see all the sights.  She loves her swing and her gym mat – but is not the biggest fan of tummy time (unless she is on mom’s chest) but it is getting better by the day. She met the neighbors and their big dog (and I think they were more scared/worried than we were).  She has learned to accept her nightly bath time, but I think Kyle has more fun than she does.  I have been pooped on, peed on, and puked on so I think I have been 100% welcomed into motherhood.  but – it has been a wonderful, amazing first month.  She is such a beauty.


Current Stats:
Weight – 11 pounds, 14 ounces
Length -  24 inches
Percentile – 97th Percentile

Long story short: she is still a BIG baby!  but she is healthy and happy and that is all we care about!

I don’t want to say it was a hard 1st month, but it also wasn’t 100% easy.  There were meltdowns (on my part mainly) about her meltdowns and not understanding her cries, breastfeeding issues, fears of being with her alone all day long, her stomach issues, my c-section got infected and of course the lack of sleep. 

Kyle is amazing and has been since day one.  I am so thankful to have such an amazing partner in life, marriage, and parenthood.  I didn’t know it was possible, but the love and respect I have for him today is more than I had for him before McKenna. He amazes me more and more everyday and McKenna is so lucky to have him as a dad. 

Now. I wonder what is in store for us for the next month and what developments & milestones McKenna will hit! 


  1. she is so cute! I love seeing all her pics!

  2. She is absolutely adorable - can't believe how cute she is!
