Friday, March 5, 2010

My Favorite RUNNING Blogs.

I am inspired daily by my fellow runners. Through Dailymile, Twitter, and my blog readers I have a constant ring of supporters around me and I try to be just as supportive to all of them. *Sorry if I suck sometimes* For awhile now I wanted to share a bunch of my favorite running blogs because so many people have suggested blogs to me. I wanted to return the favor. So here we go, in no particular order. My all time favorite running reads.

My Quest to Tackle Health & Running - I have to put Tammy first because from the moment she started following me on Twitter she was a cheerleader and supporter of me goal to run a half marathon and learn to love running. Tammy is a GREAT person to have in your corner. She is nothing but supportive and encouraging. She is easy to relate to. She is like me. She works crazy hours and has to work to get her workouts in. She talks about the ups and the downs. She puts everything on the line for people to know. She is the first one to tell you that you need to get out and run and she is the first one giving you a virtual high five.

Runners Rambles - Aron. In my opinion she is just real. I like how she focuses on running but at the same time she is all over the place when it comes to the sport of running. She really does share her workouts with the world (which many times I am envious of) but she really tries to connect with her readers. She, like most of my favorites is open and honest. She writes about her doubts and her apprehensions and she makes people feel normal. I also love Aron because she too is a huge Nike enthusiast and she is constantly making me what to try new products thanks to her reviews.

Shut Up and Run - Just because she makes me laugh on a daily basis. Being carefree is great in my book and this fellow blogger just does not care. Her humor is off the walls and you can find her often talking about her irregular bowel movements and crapping her pants mid-race. She also is lucky and gets to review all sorts of swag ... making me want to buy pretty much everything. Thanks, Beth! :o)

Running with Frenchie - I love this blog for so many reasons but most importantly because Tara is so honest. I like that she just writes what is on her mind. I like that, like me, she is easing back into this running thing so I (and so many others) can relate to her everyday struggles. She writes so freely that the average runner and just relate. It is refreshing.

RunnerDude's Blog - Simple explanation. He is a running superstar and a great resource. Need Christmas gifts for a runner - he has suggestions. Don't know what to eat pre-race, he will tell you. He is a great person to read especially if you're a newbie like me.

This Girl is a Running Fool - Allie is a real person. So many bloggers (myself included) do not really shed any light on their personal life. Their running blog is all about running. Allie lets her readers get to know her, she is real, she talks about her klutzy moves that ALL runners have, and she gives tips and pointers. She also takes the time to read other people's blogs and give words of encouragement & support.

If I left your blog off please do not have hurt feelings. I am going to continue to share blogs as I become more of an avid blog reader - so you never know you may get a shout out here in the near future. On a side note -- what are your favorite running blogs?! I am always looking for new awesome runners to connect with!


  1. you made me blush :) thank you for such nice words!!! i am glad you like reading :)

  2. Thanks for sharing some of your favorite running blogs. I have never heard of any of them before but I'll definitely be checking them out now!

  3. Awww, you're a sweetie, yours is one of my faves too!
